Ok...i am tired from all that laughing, walking and chit-chatting thus this post will not be a long one and not in chronological order. Finally a 6.6 reunion. And finally after 2 years i see Zi Zheng. He is still the same lah. So haiz....except he is a bit different. He perked up a bit. I must admit I was happy to see him cos he's been one of the nicest table partner. The other one is Jennifer. My superhero. And I went back this year to see friends, not teachers. And other ex-gongshangers, to see how they have changed. HE CUT HIS HAIR BOTAK...haiz...he has such a lovely hair and he cut it? Ah forget it.
Then cos finally Zi Zheng got himself a handphone, we exchanged. I oso exchanged with Ji Wen, Jia Jun..and Shermaine. Haiz, the boys have grown taller man....and more pimply. HAH...their turn now. Zi Zheng...Zi zheng., nice talking to him again. Yupps...
Oh Fariz looked like a sun bear with his "golden-coloured" eyes..haha. He has PINK contacts too. Haha. Some ppl came w/ their other halves. Took pics with Atikah, Azeemah, Fariz, Danial and Dian. We forgot to reminiscise...n did it last min w/Danial. I am so proud of him...for using that word and being a gentlemen. haha. And he did a flying motion to me and Dian with his hands when he wanted to leave and said "Group hug..." haha... and he tot we were going to have one? sheesh lah Dan...pe je..haha...MAHRAM OOI...haha. He is a good friend lah Danial.
And Dian said," Before I can't speak anymore, I just want to say that I LOVE YOU ALL"....
aww i love you too Dian..and all of gps ppl.. That is exactly what describes my feelings today...LOVE..except Zi Zheng tot I was sick wen I said that I missed him....At first I said that I missed his Maths teachings, den he said yah, shud be cos he made me top ten percent.. haha...watever...
and dian was sick....oh teachers day concert not that nice..but I like the teacher's acting..so drama. and i like the baby photos part but not that original. i could reckognise my physician's photo straightaway.
n the teachers played against the students and the students won everything except SOCCER...which is excusable cos SOCCER is a man's sports..and the teachers who were playing soccer and basketball were MEN..
n btw...missed..shila, nana, jun ting and xin ning..we nv take foto togedder cos they went to watch the maid. n i was emo today. practically hugged everyone n everytime my specs will fall.
n my frens has fallen in love w/ my brother. Ahmad went home early, suspect hes still down bout npcc. He is and i tot it was because of me...it is...well... partly...sorry lah.
oh looked at wat my blog has turned out to be. its not philosophical anymore. its a recording of my life. haiz...
oh n we baked brownies yesterday at wei shan's house...!!! yay!! wei shan's house is so IKEA can. It is so clean cut. Our first batch chao tar, hangus, burnt. so we ate it up. our second batch we give teachers. overall, it is not a bad first time brownie. i liked zhi yun's chocolate chip cookies tho. so crunchie.
8:25 pm
it nevers ceases to amaze me how the littlest things can make me feel. i guess because that is only human. and i am a human...
looking at everyone's behaviour, i can see that they have the same pattern but they can still surpirise us. We are the same and different. moods go up and down. favourites change as we grow. when i was a lil kid, i used to like cartoons very much and now, i'd rather watch something else. i'm finding cartoons too slow. preferences change, tastes change. Change is there. sometimes it's scary. but change is life. life changes.
i'm belighetedd ttoo.
n i want to quit csp and join media club/yfc next year.
oh life is short...
n i understand why we are special.
we have two balance both worlds while they need not.
i believe in dimensions.
what if we were to choose one decision and not the other, our lives would be completely different. Our actions make our future.
Why do I do?
I have the drive, I know it, I just have to convert it, like how electricity can converge itself from normal electrical energy to light energy to heat energy. I must..I must..I can..I can....I will...I will...
12:09 pm
When you accidentally bite your tongue, it's hard to see "pain" as something positive.
The same goes for a blister on your big toe. Who needs a throbbing foot?
But what if you felt no pain? How often would you bite off bits of your tongue - or burn your backside in the bath?
Physical pain is a marvelous alarm system that prevents further damage.
It tells us: "You'd better change what you're doing!"
Emotional pain gives us a similar message, eg. "You'd better change how you're thinking!"
It's normal to get angry or jealous or a bit resentful - temporarily.
But if those feelings become permanent the message may be:
"Don't expect to control other people."
"Don't expect other people to behave like you."
"Don't depend on other people to make you happy!"
While we keep thinking the same thoughts, we keep feeling the same pain.
(And then we say "But I'm right!" Unfortunately being "right" doesn't help!)
A blister on your foot is a message to change our shoes.
With emotional pain, which feels like a blister on the brain, the message is usually to change our thinking.
In a Nutshell
With both physical and emotional pain, when we keep doing the same thing, it keeps hurting! So if you want to stop hurting, you know what to do!
11:07 pm
I liked today...in fact I LOVED TODAY.
Aah...Ok so it started out bad because our schools' 'O' Levels' Higher Mother Tongue was bad...I need to improve now. My Malay Language is going down! But after that it was okay.
We did TAE-BO during PE, another one of Miss Poon's ideas. Thank you! It was fun, working it all out. In case you did'nt know, Tae- derived from taekwando and BO derived from boxing. Sweated out. Woo...now I know what you mean Mumu. Ms Poon looked like she had fun..well of course! I had fun too. It has been a long time since I did taekwando. All those side kicks and front kicks..brings me back of memories from my TKD life...
Well when I first heard of Tae-Bo...
Fadilah: Safiah, I want to take Tae-Bo lessons.
Safiah: What for? Teh Boh? U know whats that onot?
Fadilah: Ya lah.
Safiah: Teh as in tea and Boh as in Teh brand Boh? They have tea making lessons?
Fadilah: Ape je Safiah ni. Its like thai boxing lah...
Safiah: OoOoh...haha....
Safiah: Mu what's Tae-Bo?
Muhaina(Mu): Taekwando-Boxing. It's really fun lah.
You can lose a lot of weight you know when you do that exercise.
Oh...Now I am enlightened...haha.
Then she gave us a loooong speech about her, the ppl around her...i felt so sad...i almost wanted to cry. It was really heartfelt. Then a few workouts after that she was smiling again....and being her usual normal self.
Then ACES practice workout. Such a physical day. Some people from 2N making special effects to go along with the moves. Very noisy. And Abigail changed her specs. So retro. I like...
Malay period:
Amira:(testing with pens, pens no ink) Stupid Assholes (throws down pen)
Safiah: Diorang takde ass, macam mane nak ade hole?
English translation: they have no ass, how to have holes?
Amira: (saying something but too muffled so Safiah can't hear.)
Ok she was very quiet and not exactly in high spirits. Now I know why....suspect there's something more to it too. This complicating problem...
Roystan Tan came to Cedar Girls' Secondary School. I thought Eric Khoo was Roystan but haha..this person standing on the stage clad in white tee, white coat and green trousers was definitely NOT Eric Khoo...he's soooo...chi boy!!! haha. So he came and threw limited-edition '15' posters to us. I wanted one...but did not get. He came because he was on "tour" visiting schools. He screened us a couple of short films (30 mins) ,"Sons", "Mother", "24 hours" and "Hock Heap Leong", out of the many films that he has made.
"Sons" was narrated as the Father of a grown up boy who had no communication at all between them. The father does not know what he works as. The actors just stood or sat still while a voice over narrated the story in Hokkien accompanied with subtitles. It touched my heart but did not evoke my feelings.
"Mother" was not narrated in Chinese by a boy while video images were shown. Subtitles were what I read as that was what I could understand. The story behind it was that one day, Roystan got a call from Singapore Prisons telling that a prisoner wants to talk to him. They allowed Roystan and the prisoner, who was in jail because of drug abuse, 15 mins of conversation where the prisoner poured out his story about his relationship with his mother, and asked if Roystan could make a film about it. HE DID....wow. The prisoner requested for a copy of it to go to his mother. If I was the mother, I would cry, and cry, and cry....I was holding back salt water just now in the dimly lighted hall. His friends, neighbors and parents were in the film. He said that he wanted to preserve that moment in their life.
"24 hours" was about his love life in Korea I think. On the right side, there was a tv screen showing Korean advertisements ( there was Sony Ericsons' ads ), news, people walking in the cities. All Korean. On the left hand side, there were sentences so we had to read it- no voiceovers. How he tried to talk to the girl about his feelings but she could not understand and just smiled until he told her he was leaving. Then she was smiling no more. I love how it touches one's heart despite its simplicity. I noticed though that the images were rewinded.
"Hock Heap Leong" was about his favourite coffeeshop where he used to hang around in when he was stressed. It was narrated in English. A boy in a shop, sitting,staring. There was one line in it that I really liked "The people who are most closest to you may not be the ones who really know you." He made it like even non-living things had soul and experience. Then when the hawker asked him what he wanted to drink, he opened his mouth and a chinese opera song came out. Ironically, the voice of the singer was a girl while the singer in the film was a boy. Everyone laughed at that scene as the main actor and the coffeeshopers and hawkers danced the 80s style dance. Then, at the end, it said that the coffeeshop closed on 31 March 2002/3? One day after my birthday. It had to make way for urban development. Sad.
He has talent. He's fabulous! N there were a lot of questions asked. He also told us the process of film making. He also thought that we, Cedarians were shy and that we would only sit and stare at him. But we proved him wrong! He actually had nightmares that we would just stone in front of him and couldn't sleep properly for 8 days! Haha. His first time in all-girls school. So honoured? haha...Next week, he'll be going to Crescent Girls'.
I like his garb.
Me, being the Bookworm that I am, went to Popular Sale at Singapore Expo, Hall 6A...bought 6 books for $30. all storybks. With Atiqah. Ok Amira, it wouldnt hurt ur ego if you asked to come along ok. I would not turn you down. I though you had plans with them....as ALWAYS. And as you were being sarcastic and not that good a mood, I didn't wanna ask you.
Now im sleepy man...shall look up to that Roystan and support him. MUST SUPPORT LOCAL ARTISTS...esp nice ones like him and Taufik...heh...
Ok what happened in 2/O....was inevitable.
9:36 pm
AAH...it hurts so much... I didn't have an attack this bad since the last day of last term. That fateful day, I was in the Recovery Room while Teachers were announcing the top 3 in the class. But I could still see their voices. Syafiqah was with me... the sweetie (she's my I'm-in-PAIN, Follow-me-go-anywhere partner), and the secretary gave me a hot water bottle to ease the pain ( my first experience with hot water bottle) but the pain still stayed there. And I remembered my Principal, Ms Leong came in and asked me how I was. How nice of her...I didn't expect her to come in full of concern.
So my pain was bothering so much, I suspected Mr Tan, my Maths teacher, thought that I wasnt paying attention to him and was dozing to sleep. I WASN'T!!! I was just clutching my stomach with pain. And I managed to do most of his sums CORRECTLY. Haiz...
Abinaya has moved up the front row with Azizah and both of them has QUIT Chinese (Special Programme) which tempts ME to quit. I'm scared too but I can't cope. I just can't! I will lah...I want to focus on my impending EXAM....
So I was in one of my moods today...VERY RARE...all because of the pain lah...And I was scolding and tongue-lashing Jannah so Husna said that I was SMS-ing...Sedang MS...haha...I didn't know I was scary. Haha...
Randomness: Alf the show is nice. I watched it on Monday when I was sick and absent from school. He's an alien. Funny alien. An a new blog...Jannah's. A new website...full of quotes. And I subscribed to yet another NEWSLETTER. It is supposed to tell you how to be happy...Not that I need it. It's just that I read a sample and found the author's views interesting AND it comes with a free comic and I LOVE COMICS...not those action types...just single episode comics with a picture and a caption below....not comics that have hundreds of episodes.
Taufik's part in Shooting Stars has ended, for now I think. Now it's Sylvester's turn.
Oh n Ms Poon said that we have to do 10 reflections for Project Work!!! Aiyyoh sure onot....N i haf science test tomorrow..Lucky I studied already....
"I like it in BLACK. Looks good"
8:30 pm
Ok...I have totally run out of ideas so I shall just Go With The Flow.
Yesterday, Zhi Yun, my DnT representative told me to bring my batik the following day so that night I went in search for it. I knew where I had put it, in the middle of some other cloths and scarfs. But what bothers me most that after that bit of searching, my sinus was activated. ATCHUM! What is sinus you may ask? Acute bacterial sinusitis is an infection of the sinus cavities caused by bacteria. It usually is preceded by a cold, allergy attack, or irritation by environmental pollutants. Unlike a cold, or allergy, bacterial sinusitis requires a physician's diagnosis and treatment with an antibiotic to cure the infection and prevent future complications.
Different things can trigger each own's sinus. For me, it is a sudden drop of temperature. So even though I had my flu jab, I think that day I was sick due to my sinus. When my mother comes to contact with dust, she gets an attack.
I can easily get cold you know? When I was small, I thought I was Cold Blooded...haha. My hands and feet got cold so easily. Doctors said that was how my body reacted to my surroundings. My mother thought that I did not move around enough so my blood wasn't moving much.
And I'm wondering why I've been laughing and crapping and crazying a lot these few days. Maybe it's my way of reminding to myself that EXAMS ARE COMING!!! STUDY!! haiz....i want to do well...REALLY REALLY!!!
I have discovered that I'm a pengganas and Amira is a terrorist. Joking people, joking...haha...This came about because we hit each other so much! until we TERRORIZE each other to bouts of laughter...haha.
I went to Popular just now and bought Adik a Maths assesment book...it was the last one left, and myself one...it was the thickest one there AND it had worked out solutions at the back. I haven't found that type of assnt. bk for a LOOONG time. Finally, I can have joy doing Maths sums. I hope I can complete before Sunday so I can show Kak Aishah, my tuition teacher something.
Amira said she was at Century Square's level 3 Food Court but I don't know how deep in you are, I couldn't find you.
She is so funky you know, my tuition teacher. She's so funny and talkative and she tells us that the trend in her time and my time is the same. For example, now, students are using BIG, HUGE, ENOURMOUS pencil cases but DID YOU KNOW that that trend existed a DECADE ago!!! The only difference is NOW, its much prettier lah.
AMAZING DISCOVERY: I can dig up almost anything from the internet if people throw their hidden treasures(or what they thought was hidden) anywhere. Muahahaha....GLoAtiNG... No lah.. And if you think I didn't know, THINK AGAIN... I know you imitated me okay. It's obvious. So obvious. Even if you deny it, I know...You don't know that I'm a psychic and a pro analyser. Haiz..some ppl are even in a worse than us. Realise Safiah, REALISE>>>
Cute panda right? Haha i Know...I Know..I got it here. And today I smiled at my physician and he waved back. Can you believe that? He's so friendly. People just won't believe me. Sheesh...(' ',)
5:36 pm

A wealthy man decided to go on a safari in Africa. He took his faithful pet dog along for company. One day the dog starts chasing butterflies and before long he discovers that he is lost. So, wandering about he notices a leopard heading rapidly in his direction with the obvious intention of having lunch.
The dog thinks, "Boyo, I'm in deep doo doo now." (He was an Irish setter).... Then he noticed some bones on the ground close by, and immediately settles down to chew on the bones with his back to the approaching cat.
Just as the leopard is about to leap, the dog exclaims loudly, "Man, that was one delicious leopard. I wonder if there are any more around here?"
Hearing this the leopard halts his attack in mid stride, as a look of terror comes over him, and slinks away into the trees. "Whew", says the leopard. "That was close. That dog nearly had me."
Meanwhile, a monkey who had been watching the whole scene from a nearby tree, figures he can put this knowledge to good use and trade it for protection from the leopard. So, off he goes. But the dog saw him heading after the leopard with great speed, and figured that something must be up.
The monkey soon catches up with the leopard, spills the beans and strikes a deal for himself with the leopard. The cat is furious at being made a fool of and says, "Here monkey, hop on my back and see what's going to happen to that conniving canine."
Now the dog sees the leopard coming with the monkey on his back, and thinks, "What am I going to do now?" But instead of running, the dog sits down with his back to his attackers pretending he hasn't seen them yet. And just when they get close enough to hear, the dog says, "Where's that monkey. I just can never trust him. I sent him off half an hour ago to bring me another leopard, and he's still not back!!"
12:49 pm

I hate it when you know something is at the back of your mind but you cant reach it. But you know it is there. Yeesh...I always get it.
Anyway I forgot to say that I saw U.K. Syam/Sham on Tuesday at the Co-Curricular Activities Board Ministry of Education. There are of of sports facilities there. So he was on the track.... and Sunita and essie didn't know who he was. And Yasmin is very protective of her best friend..right? heh.
And yesterday Jannah was absent. Today, she and Adelaida were absent. They got each other's flu. Hah. Lucky I took my flu jab. Ironically, that flu jab gave me the worst flu i have ever gotten AND it was during my Shandong, China trip.
Ok so now i realised that I really am very happy and cheerful this year. Is that my way of showing stress? How am I to know?
Oh and Irdayu, just because you're my junior doesnt mean I have to command you to do stuff. Heh....sweet lah you...
"Mumu's" brownies were delish....lets make it someday...!!! owh for teachers day and EAT IT OURSELVES!!!...or cheesecake..i love cheesecake...yum..i love anything soft that has a crumbly layer...OR...i can imagine the netabllers in a BAKING CLUB!!! haha.....dottis.
Oh i forgot abt pesta sukan...yes ALL of us got sunburnt and Ignite didnt make ti to the seconfd round but we tried our BEST!!! Congrats to BLAZE tho for making it. I shall try coming down to support you all on 27 Aug '05. After the pesta sukan, my cheeks were so red from the sun that my relatives though I was wearing rouge! Haha...it looked nice though. And my uncle gave me a tube of sunblock...double hah...This is the second time that someone has given me sunblock...the first was my tuition teacher...What do they want to secretely tell me? I'm too dark? Triple heh...
OK my dad's gng jiwang. Singing old love songs on the guitar. Did anyone knows that I got my "singing talent" from him? HA-HA....we both can't reach the high notes..
I figured if my life was a story and someone was doing character analysing in it then I would be the crazy happy lame girl, Geraldine the food-crazed girl, going all " I want FOOD!!!", Mumu the misunderstood and quiet, Charlene the happy and smiley and take carer, Wei Shan the moody, Sylviane the jumpy, Yasmin the protective(for herself only...heh) and whiny and smiley, Jessie the good natured, Sarah the tai-tai? hehe, Amira the sindirer and aaahh-rer...Atikah the kuai kia, Adel the bossy and crappy, Jannah the cakap loud and nv stop talking! See, everyone has a character!! Must not look on the surface...then, you'll see. N Jennifer the super hero,,,!! Responsible....crappy table partner....la la la...heh
5:45 pm

I'm getting good at this. I really am and I BELIEVE in it. Ok so shud this entry be personal, philosophical or a recount. umm...u figure.
Ok tribute to netball...
First two hours of the Lecture part of the course was boring...some people floated on Dreamland...hah...like
CHARLENE! heh. And some people reading Lit notes....like
YaSSY and
WEI SHAN!...double heh. Only I was the kuai kia, taking down notes n all. triple heh.
We got a nice waking up call by Instructor GST(more than 5%),...so hyper man he. He reminds me of someone...Mumu's friend (mumu....
nudge nudge wink wink)....
I FINALLY learn how to blow for centre pass. Pheew.
And because I have NEVER umpired before, I was scared of today's practical. First try...I was the first person! not that good....voice n whistle, too soft. Then second try, much bettter except my hand signals and my LINA..in
Ahead. And the players were CRAPPING...hah we were just giving the umpires PRACTICE! (nodds head and looks angelicly innocent). Especially Malita, she was so
creatively cunning, thinking of ways to fool the umpires but ironically they didn't see! hurr...would i see that if I was the umpire?? Dunno. But it was good fun...Good fun..DD good fun.
OK now for my classymates. Aida nonsense!!! a foresight to the future. Husna, makcik I-U. Safiah, makcik Alim bertasbih, Amira, makcik bellydancing...haha, Atikah, makcik kecik pakai kebaya nonya ketat2...ehehe...tak leh angkat seh. Me h husna....
nangis nangis!! Amira action seh kau. Cakap ngan husna " I'd rather be doing homework that talking crap like that" Pas tu Adel ckp pasal Minah Futuristic kau ketawe jugak...! heh. even tho that was walking back to class tyme lah. Atikah, u still owe me a stroy...Yeesh TAK SENONOH! hehe///
And talks abt VS turning co-ed? Oh wee,,,weird feeling just comes out. go to
http://vs.jonaize.comlooks likeClark KentClassic Gentlemanlaugh like x before*[poof]***
9:56 pm

Coming to terms with reality is sometimes bitter and painful but it is still there. No matter how many times you shut your eyes, pretending not to see.
Me, I lost my wallet with money and my ez-link in it. My maths is going down the drain. Everyone has flaws in the quest for the utopia that they dream of. But we have two choices when we see these things approaching.
1) We can just let them pass by us
2) We can choose to change it and make it into something better.
I'd rather choose the latter won't you? Life would be so much more meaningful when you take that action.
In the above picture, women light candles in front of the Atomic Bomb Dome in Hiroshima (AP Photo/Kyodo News). More than 55,000 people gathered Saturday in Peace Memorial Park, a sprawling, tree-covered expanse that for one day each year becomes the spiritual epicenter of the global anti-nuclear movement.
Yes, we do have to remember the past and not make history repeat itself but until now there are still people who debate whether it is really necessary for the atomic bomb to be dropped.
For me, I would rather remember the past but focus on the present. The past has happened, the future has not. The present is yet to change it. So, i'd rather concentrate on the future. Do what we can do with it now and not repeat the past mistakes but learn from it.
In the heat of the anniversary of the droppping of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima, Channel News Asia has displayed documentaries, some from BBC and from other sources too. I think we should take every oppurtunity to learn from it. The way the documentaries are shown are in a way that the victims themselves, tell their experiences so that it is a first-hand account. It is so real that I can imagine the pain that the victims go through. The stinging 4000 degrees of heat from the atomic bomb, burnt, melted, skin hanging from fingernails... But all of this is knowledge that I treasure. FYI i love BBC documentaries. HEH...
The dropping of the atomic bomb was an experiment, a cruel one. The scientists did know the effects like radiation. But they did not know that black rain would fall and this rain was full of radio active material. They did not know that the people affected by the bomb would have radiation sickness. True it was cruel but is it justified? The Japanese after all did invade almost the whole world and did cruel things to us too. So the judgement lies in you.
Wait, im asking you to debate....do you want to? Take up the challenge....
My father--"If the atomic bomb did not drop, Japan would have taken over the world"
My mother--" They are already taking over the world- Neoprints, anime, manga..."
6:38 pm

This world is full of Hollywood movies but do u have to add the drama? U are fishing for the bait and I won't hook myself on you. I have chosen. I will choose my sunken treasures of a jewel.
Expressing yourself is good. It helps you to relieve your feelings. I express myself through writing or music. If iI do it through music, my violin becomes my instrument. It is merely a tool for me to express myself. The music comes from me. I make the music happy, angry or sad. Violent storms can come out of my music or the sweet melodious bird thrills. It is because of me.
Why do some people want to fake what they feel. They exaggerate. They twist the truth. They turn it into something much more horrible. I hate it when things are just khabar angin.
I feel what I feel not because I have to feel it to impress. My old ancient treasures are the ones I choose. If u want to feign interest you go ahead but I show what I show. I feel what I feel. Which one would you choose? Can you guarantee that they'll stay with you?
Fariz: Persevere kay...but I'm too nice to u.
Peng Ho: Congrats, remember me. Don't forget us.
12:12 pm

Two rocks
One finely cut
With a little bit of rough edges
The other not cut out at all
Completely rough
The brightness of each I can't tell.
Put under the light,
both shine well.
But which shines sincerely for me
I need to know
each's genuinity.
Only then I can choose
Which is close to my heart
The one which I just picked up
Or which was there from the start?
Both bring joy to me so similar yet the same.
But if i put together they make me feel ashamed.
'Cause how can I compare which delights my heart the most?
One tingles my heart
When it comes too close.
The other's beauty outshines the others I see
So close and parallel to my universe
But is it to be?
Three is a crowd
as far as I can tell
Life is a cycle
Can't u hear the bell?
7:28 pm

Chocolate causes certain endocrine glands to secrete hormones that affect your feelings and behavior by making you happy. Therefore, it counteracts depression, in turn reducing the stress of depression. Your stress-free life helps you maintain a youthful disposition, both physically and mentally. So, eat lots of chocolate.
The ability of the sugar in chocolate to drive up blood sugar (glycemic index) is about the same as oatmeal.
If life is like a box of chocolates, take a bite out of everything.
Chocolate doesn't make the world go around, but it sure does make the trip worthwhile.
Chocolate covered raisins, cherries, orange slices and strawberries all count as fruit, so eat as many as you want.
Equal amounts of dark chocolate and white chocolate is a balanced diet.
12:27 pm

wee...hello ppl....welcome me back into ur arms..heh.
yes i was grounded frm using the internet because I was IRRESPONSIBLE!
i do not know what is going on with me these days.
I lost my father's camera cover.
Then I found it.
And I lost my wallet with $14 inside!!! And my ezlink too...
I have checked alomost everyday at the GO but to no avail...
some random stuff...

What smilie are you? Take the test!

What animal are you? Take the test!
and..ok ok...my 2.4km i got B..Amira...she got A..i tink she got all her stamina frm all the housecleaning that she does...haha..hey don't laugh it may be true..
and be urself day was a sucess...even tho i didnt dress up as anything. Somebody had to work...haha...nvm..
den on monday is our sch's national day celebration day. i dun have a white bottom!...help!
i hav sooo many ideas on how to wear the red top n white bottom but im out of money and avenues...sheesh...
ok n i have an interview at tjc this wednesday..say all the best to me.!
10:43 pm
