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Ask the Oracle a Question Enneagram Test Results Type 1 | Perfectionism | |||||||||||||||||| | 78% | Type 2 | Helpfulness | |||||||||||||| | 54% | Type 3 | Image Focus | |||||||||||||||||||| | 86% | Type 4 | Hypersensitivity | |||||| | 26% | Type 5 | Detachment | |||||| | 30% | Type 6 | Anxiety | |||||||||||| | 50% | Type 7 | Adventurousness | |||||||||||||| | 54% | Type 8 | Aggressiveness | |||||||||||||| | 54% | Type 9 | Calmness | |||||||||||| | 50% | Your main type is 3 Your variant is sexual |
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7:44 pm
HELP! i'm stressed. I'm broke....nowadays, especially in the beginning of the year, people keep asking for money...for house tee, oac tee, oac materials and bla-bal-bla what have yous..
And I lost my school badge AGAIN. think this may be the third time. WHY DOES IT ALWAYS HAVE TO BE THE CEDAR BADGE!!! I have loads of name tags why cant they be the ones that get lost instead. now i have to buy a new one.
Went home with Maziah. She is such a nice person/senior...MUACKS. Ain also. even though she don't quite know me and she had to jog all the way home to get her locker keys...don't worry she lives nearby.
Maziah said that my alien looks like a Calvin Klein model...SHOUT OUT TO EVRYONE WHO DISAGREES>...I'm not the only one in this Cedarian planet that think he is....hahahah..yay to Maziah.!!!
9:18 pm
i'll show them to you when kak atiqah send me those pics...she better! i requested oredi..
i volunteer at 3M mendaki every saturday at kg chai chee cc. today is my last day for the term. next week will be OAC camp!!! the dreaded one...6 days! so long man. and dian asked me out wit shila on a lunch date but had to refuse cos of CIP. i think tats better..
i got arnd 11 hrs CIP now so far...i still have a long way to go to reach my target 100h.haiz,,,. i think so far, i finished all the components of my NYAA except physical part. and i have to buy the small book..haiz...
10:56 pm
Do they put underwear on corpses?
Why do people say "The alarm just went off" when really it just came on?
Why do child labor laws not prohibit children from acting in movies?
If your eyes are crossed, do your tears fall straight?
Is the vice president's wife called the second lady?
Do you wake up or open your eyes first?
Can you "zone out" and be "in the zone" at the same time?
If French kissing is a big thing in America, how do French people react to normal American kissing?
Why is it called a soap opera when nobody sings?
Why does jello have a smell when you add the powder in the water, but when it "gels" the scent virtually disappears?
Can a unborn baby fart or burp?
If a General is a higher ranking officer than a Major, then why is a major illness worse than a general illness?
Why don't they make Root Beer flavored ice cream? Wouldn't it be better than root beer floats?
Why is there never a full English dinner or tea but there is always a full English breakfast?
What is the point in saying "may I ask" and then follow it up with a question?
Is it possible to be allergic to water?
When an atheist swears on a Bible before they testify in court do they have to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth since they don't believe in God?
Why do cats like to dig their paws into something before they lay down on it?
If a pack of gum says that each piece is 10 calories, is that amount just chewing the gum, or also for swallowing it?
Why is there a little countdown (like 8, 7, 6, 5, 4) near the bottom of the copyright info page in the beginning of many books?
Why does the Easter bunny carry eggs? Rabbits don't lay eggs.
How come only your fingers and toes get wrinkly in the shower and nothing else does?
How come lotion is colored, but when you put it on, it doesn't turn your skin that color?
Are there pink lemons that make pink lemonade?
Why do we say "heads up" when we actually duck?
Whats a question with no answer called?
How do "do not walk on grass" signs get there?
When a store has double doors why do they only let you use one of them?
If there was a crumb on the table and you cut it in half, would you have two crumbs or two halves of a crumb?
"What was Captain Hook's name before he had a hook for a hand?"
Do bald people get dandruff?
Why doesn't baking soda freeze?
If you made biscuits with chocolate milk instead of regular milk, would they taste chocolaty?
If you rented a movie and were late returning it and then you died would someone you knew or a family member have to pay the late fee?
Can a person with no ears wear glasses?
How come French fries are not considered vegetables, since they are just deep fried potatoes?
Why is it that when adults have multiple personalities it's schizophrenia, but when a child has imaginary friends it's cute?
If you swallow a burp does it turn into a fart?
Can you put a gay man in a straight jacket?
Why do bullies always ask "what’s your problem" when they're obviously not going to solve it?
Do stairs go up or down?
When people say, "I’m so tired it's not even funny" or "my head hurts so much it's not even funny", why would it even be funny in the first place?
Why is there a top line on lined paper if we never use it?
If something "goes without saying," why do people still say it?
8:41 pm
haha, you'll never guess it... ALIENS..
i mean clark kent played by tom welling in smallville is an alien right?
so is ET and ET is cute and HOT.
I'm the only one who thinks so....
But nvm,,
6:40 pm
on monday, i went to the dentist's because my elastic bands of my braces came out. I was eating fried chicken. I went there after school and it was an hour's wait. I was sitting, reading my book Permanent Rose by Hilary McKay when I felt like turning around and there I saw my aunty leaning on her crutches in the middle of the cramped waiting room. I vaguely remembered her telling me that she wanted to go to that dentist today. Both parties were surprised. My uncle later came in and I pointed out that if any student were too look at him, they could guess what his job is. He had a Red Leaf red pen in his front pocket. So obvious Right??Then I went to popular to buy the History elective Q & A book published by Redspot.on tuesday, it was Valentine's Day. I feel so guilty of celebrating it. Some people gave me things and I didn't give to them. I had a lot of sweets, chocolates and a single carnation given to me by HAryani, the dear! Fadilah, the monster broke the stalk...but as of current time, the carnation is still fresh and in the PINK of health...intended pun. The colour of the carnation IS pink. I just realised that Blogskins does not offer pink as a font colour....sheesh kebabs. After school there was training in which many people did not come to and where we complained to Mrs Yeo about it. And we got encouraged to come to CCA and fulfill our obligations to ourselves and the CCA. My alien looked HOT today.on wednesday, i wrote back to my mortal, not telling who.We had In Place Protection Exercise (IPP) . Once we heard our teacher's announcements, all students had to be in class. WE used black plastic bags to seal the windows and made a toilet in class. I saw that 3 z had a male and female compartments for their form teacher who is male..Then we learnt the OAC songs. I used my heart torchlight given by Jessica Anata as a karoake. Mrs Lim was very funny....hahaha..Water bottles were supposed to be distributed but none were given..what a waste! 3N bomb cheered us but we never bomb cheer them back...Mrs Lim said that we were invincible! hahaha true true!!I had media club after school. It was boring as usual, but I could use the school's computer. Mine had spyware in it so it was sent to Amira's uncle's computer shop for repair. Finished the O levels article with Gurpreet. WEnt home with Shahini whose sister had an aggregate of 8 points. She wants to go to Temasek Poly to do Accounting and financing. Sounds so boring..hahahaon thursday, ms tan told me to hand in the commonwealth essay on friday. it was a half day in celebration of our good results. CEDAR PRODUCED THE TOP O LEVEL STUDENT!!! 12 A1s!!! Wheee!! I do not know how we are going to maintain this! Mrs Ou Yang says tat we are an elite school already. Really? And we were reminded by Mr Suresh to behave ourselves in public after the school received several complaints against Cedarians' behaviour in public. As it was half day, me and Yasmin and Geraldine and Wei Shan wanted to eat at Pizza Hut's. I wanted to buy my history guidebook also at Orchard Popular Bookshop. Since lunch was at 1.30 pm and we were dismissed at 10.10 am, we loitered at school for a while. I found out that Yara could play the piano nicely. And she has a score book that I have been looking for, Disney's songs. WS an GC said that they wanted to go home and would meet us at Plaza Singapura's Pizza Hut. When we reached there and after I bought my guidebook, they were not there so we called them but they did not pick up. So we ordered first. I ordered the New Orleans Baked Rice and YAsmin ordered pasta. And we had a coupon for free garlic bread. It was the best garlic bread I ever tasted! It was a long time since I ate pizza hut's garlic bread! It's the best i tell you! Then WS called and said that she and GC fell asleep in her house because her room was air-conditioned and it was so comfy....RIGHT! they ditched us at first they wanted to come and I just got my food. When I finished the whole baked rice, those two were just on their way to Sengkang MRT! sheesh!on friday, Mr Suresh came to teach us for a little while. We missed him a lot. And chem lesson was amusing! fatmah's now is now electronic configuration (2, 8, 7) of an atom and Geraldine has been called by Ms Chng for 10 says Geraldine...hahaha.. wat lah. Then, Netball training I was being such a coach-to-be unlike the other seniors they all relax one corner..HOR! Yasmin said I am very sociable, can make friends with anyone...that is most cases. But sometimes when that person gets toooo OVER, i have to give that person just one more chance.on saturday, woke up really early, went to ACJC with Sadelena, Amira, Atiqah, Maisarah and Lyana. Met Sade first at Tampines MRT platform. Asked Fariz how to go. He said we shouldnt go because it would be boring. And that he might be joining us. Firstly, Fariz was true, that place really boring, but their decorations are nice. I think if the prices were not too high and if we had more time, we could have had a much more fun time. But NO...we had to leave for NYJC at serangoon. That's Nanyang btw. The Gempa Puisi Artistik (GPA) was held there and our school was participating. It's a drama poem competition. By the time we reached there, we missed Cedar's performance. Jannah and Husna were so dissapointed in me esp Jannah...I felt so guity because we went to ACJC for nothing, just to spend the tickets that somebody bought and I spent $1 on a bottle of Ice Mountain. Then....nothing. And by the time fariz reached there, we had left...not like i really wanna see him now...really pissed with him. Foolish friend.Anyway, it was a long list of secondary schools, polytechnics and junior colleges performing. Some were first timers, some old. Some were good, some, so borrring I almost fell asleep. When Singapore Poly's turn came, the emcees said that Khairul Anwar, winner of last year's Anugerah performed in last year's GPA. And I didn't attend last year's GPA. I attended the year before's when Cedar qualified for the final round. Anyhoos, when the live song came, someone was singing from backstage and imediately everyone asked if it was Khairul Anwar's voice because the voice had an uncanny resemblance. But we dismissed the thought. It was too impossible. However, that rumour came true...Jannah confirmed it...but sayang seribu kali sayang, I did NOT get to see him. Apparently, he has a BUSY schedule to keep. It was also nice that Nanyang JC had a bilike solat for both kaums but not a lot of people used it. Though, most of the performers had HEAVY make up. I mean HEAVY!! Dramalah konon. The judges were Rafaat Hamzah, Fadly Awalluddin and another not famous hot shot. Rafaat Hamzah is cool man. I am his fan now. He has thought me that dengan puisi, anda boleh membuat sebuah konsert. That is, you can create a concert with poems instead of songs. With his Ronggeng Petai puisi. He even has a puisi/poem band. He's nice and is the first person I have ever heard, was brave enough to say that Berita Harian was boring. I have respect for him. He went on to say that most of the school's performance had a uniform and steorotype way of delivering their poems. it was a no-no for him. I thought his comments were true and funny. But no one knew then how to deliver a performance so he demonstrated.Maisarah and Lyana, being first timers to this show, was overwhelmed with the number of hot guys present. How can they not when a guy finished off a performance on stage with a "proposing" position to the whole lot. He was supposed to do that by the way and no one was supposed to be sitting on the floor. That was funny...and the hot singing juara that melt everyone's heart. He was supposed to sing in a traditional dikir barat way but he performed like a hip hop tune like that...In the end, we didn't manage to get to finals. Farhana cried....poor emo her. But our Cedar cheer sungguh MENGGEGARKAN SELURUH DEWAN!! YEAH!! we were louder than the guys and the jc and poly ppl older than us.After that, Jannah treated me, Mai, Adlin, Yara, Sade, Farhana, to Pizza Hut's where we met Kak Farhanah and her cousins who accused us of taking their table...mane ade kay.. WE had a lot of accidents. I spilled Adlin's pepsi...sayang sayang. Adlin is lame I tell you. But cute lah she.I thought that today was quite not nice. A bit...unlucky in chinese. After today, I love goatees. So cute. So maturity.
11:15 pm
I feel like hating Mr Suresh for not teaching us anymore without any goodbye or whatsoever...but i'm too nice and he does not deserve it.I hate Geography okay!!! Why does my school HAS to force everyone to take up Geog???? I want SS/Lit to go with my Pure History!!! AAGHH....I hate unindependent people who cling to you like some lost fact I do not like cats who come mewing to you for food.... that is scary okay.I do not like people who exudes uncleverness.BUT I LOVEmy valentines day gift. and haryani for giving me my carnation which fadilah was playing around with and she broke the stem in that process. And i used the bottom part to massage Rachel who had muscle aches rom the previous day's rock wall boldering. i love my chocolates and sweets. Its is absurd that Fadilah gave it away just because she did not want to gain fat....hahaha Fadi...I love Physics and the teacher who teaches it. She is the only good teacher beside my history one. I am very sure that I need extra coaching on my Malay. It's not us Cikgu, it's you.
I am now in the computer room. My comp at home has spoiled. I just finished my Media Club meeting and I will have to do an interview with Mrs Ou Yang soon, with Gurpreet.
Till then...i'm being a rebel...... dirt.
4:30 pm




and for the coming Valentine's Day:-

Taken by Jodi Cobb for National Geographic. This person tattooed this on himself to remind himself to love his own self first. Always.
7:23 pm
After A Maths lesson, was E maths lesson. So because we have a new teacher, not exactly new but new to the school, but "experienced", our E maths teacher, Mrs Choo asked us about our feedback because my A maths teacher, Mr Suresh, wanted to know how we felt about the new teacher. Whoa....we started complaining. Everyone was going
"WE WANT MR SURESH BACK!!!". And guess what? Mrs Choo said the reason there is a new teacher was because Mr Suresh had something important to do, something much more important than teaching us. AND get this,
he is leaving us!!!! I cried a bit at that news....Wahliao....we already got a new teacher that we had already fitted in with and here comes a new teacher who is so boring and makes me want to sleep and I dont understand what she is going on and on about....and we find out that
HE IS LEAVING US TO THIS PERSON FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR!!!!! THis is a small reason why I don't like Cedar... * sobs sobs*
Then, after E maths, was Chemistry. We 3S had it in the lab where we were going to crystalize some copper sulphate...That nicely blue coloured substance... And this was the first time I did parner lab work with Yang Yang. Luckily I had her. I was so jumpy.
So one of the instructions was to evaporate the substance by boiling it until you could see crystals forming on the side or surface of the evaporating dish. Suddenly, smoke could be seen somewhere....
From where ah? It was found from my very smart aleck friend, Charlene and her partner, Bi Ru. Wahliao....I was coughing can!!! It was like a fire in the room.
And it was told that these crystals were poisonous. And
GENIUS GERALDINE went and tasted them without knowing this fact. She is reported to be ok......
so far.
Then, being the great leaders that both of them are, many followed their example and had their copper sulphate decomposing. After the whole thing, Bi Ru discovered that some droplets of the copper sulphate boiling and spluttering all over the place had landed on her pencil case and had corroded the material. Yang Yang thought it was because it was too hot. So unfortunate for Bi Ru. She is going to buy a new pencil box...Let's hope it wont face the same fate.
Sharon at long last bought new specs. It was quite nice.
And I had put braces for one week already. Xin Ru keeps calling me braces girl. They are in alternate colour dark blue and dark pink. Yasmin says it's not nice- single coloured bands are nicer.....
ok finelah!!!I'm going for the GPA next saturday. With who ah??? hahaha. Ans... The ML ppl
Till then,
I remain,
Nur Safiah
a.k.a. NurSa
The sucessful owner of pretty blue copper (II) sulphate crystals.
After a tremendous ordeal of getting them with Pang Yang Yang.
7:00 pm
really, Honestly, I DONT!!!...i just want to celebrate and hold on to these moments of victory while it lasts....
1) I got first in class and full marks for my first common test on refraction of light. Hurrah!! Never would I imagine that ! I seriously thought I would suffer in physics! hahaha
2) Cikgu chose me and some other people to try out for the Bahas Team. I will try my best to make it....but I got hidden motives...more cca points! hahaha
3) Ms Tan chose me to write the commonwealth essay cos she thinks my English is good....along with 4 other classmates.....Again I will try my best to get my piece to be chosen.....hahahaha..hidden motives yet again.
4) The Media club seniors have chosen me along with 5 other mc-ers to be an editor-in-training. And in total, 9 people will be in the running to become the final 2 editors. 6 from writing...including me, and 4 frm layout....AGain I willdo my best and try to be the editor..and then try to be exco.........and get more cca points!!!
Hahaha....I know I'm so superficial but getting to the serious side, I am really grateful to be given all these opportunities...I really hope I can go far.....What matters most to me in the long run is the experience that I will gain....IT IS ok! not just CCA points...Because to me, that is what matters most and if you can do more, then, you should go all OUT for it....And about that physics, must maintain beb!!! And for the other subjects too.
And I seriously can not stand my partner who is superly stupidly intelligent that she cant even crap.Quote for today: " Enjoy my highness today for I may not be this high tomorrow "Definition of high: Very very very happy until you say crappy stuff and make others laugh but they still think in their heads...."Safiah is lame and crazy". DONT DENY IT! I KNOW YOU PPL DO THAT!
I remain,
Your Highness,
Princess Safiah...
ruler of Nonsensedom
8:50 pm
we got in the next round!!!!
Congrats to Cedar School Team B Div!!!
Continue to play hard!!!
5:51 pm
different from when i first knew.
went on to be the best.
short attention span.
i said i'd be there every step of the way.
listen?? i think not.
told me not.
acted yes.
proven that the pattern is the same
broke my trust.
dont understand me.
dont understand me.
lied and cheated.
played innocent and dumb.
just because the best and the top
can they do anything they want?
dont play me.
dont play me.
emotions knotted.
"i dont want to be the middle man"
you're not.
you're the star.
the main character.
the villain.
the two faced enemy.
i may be a butterfly. flitting here and there amongst my flowers. one particular flower was my home of hearts. i look at it now and there is no attraction.
i may be a butterfly. flitting here and there amongst my flower friends. one particular flower i avoid. n will avoid until it releases its fragrance to me.
12:03 pm